
[prəˈtestər ]


protester 抗议者,反对者
protester 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Bahrain television reported a member of the security forces had died after being run over by a protester .
- 巴林电视台报道说,一名安全部队人员在被一个抗议者冲撞后身亡。
- Above , a protester in an orange mask participates in the pro-pussy riot demonstrations in london .
- 上图中,一戴橙色头套的抗议者参加伦敦支持《造反猫咪》乐队的示威活动。
- He was hailed as a protester , poet and prophet - the most important voice of his generation .
- 人们把他当成抗议者,诗人,先知来膜拜他是那个时代最强的声音。
- A tunisian protester holds a baguette while talking to riot policemen during a demonstration in tunis on jan. 18 .
- 一名土耳其抗议者,在1月18号突尼斯的游行中抓着一根法棍和防暴警察对话。
- A protester with a guy fawkes mask participates in occupy toronto over the weekend .
- 大上周末在“占领多伦多运动”中,一个抗议者戴上了一张盖伊福克斯的面具。
- In northern baghlan province , officials said gunfire killed one protester and wounded at least two police officers .
- 在北部的巴格兰省,有关官员说,一名抗议者被开枪打死,至少两名警察受伤。
- A protester with the occupy movement sits in his makeshift shelter at a camp in finsbury square in london .
- 伦敦芬斯伯里广场(finsburysquare)一个营地里,一位参与占领运动的抗议者坐在其临时栖身之所里。
- Police arrested the protester pictured here .
- 图为警察在逮捕抗议者。
- However even in a country where guns are often seen as a man 's god-given right , television images of the armed protester shocked many viewers .
- 然而就算是在这个视拥有枪支为天赋人权的国家,电视画面中出现的武装抗议者也让很多观众感到震惊。
- Another protester said that he opposed suleiman , in part because he wanted " someone from civil society and not the army . "
- 另一位抗议者表示他反对苏莱曼,部分是由于他希望任命是在自于整个公民社会中而不是军队中。