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美音 ['pɪgmənts]    


n.(粉状)颜料( pigment的名词复数 );天然色素

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Just as a painter cannot createex nihilobut must rely on pigments with which to create her image , certain elements of our thought must exist prior to our imaginings .
Glaze is mostly translucent , but da vinci would also slip in small amounts of pigments , such as manganese and lead oxides .
Individual phytoplankton are tiny , but when they bloom by the billions , the high concentrations of chlorophyll and other light-catching pigments change the way the surface reflects light .
It seems that brighter colors were largely used in other ancient cultures , such as the inuit who are believed to have used a yellow color along with the more usual darker pigments .
Though hoechst , once the local chemical giant , was absorbed into sanofi-aventis of france in 1999 , its frankfurt site still churns out polymers , pigments and pharmaceuticals .
When I first talked to biro about matter 's cache , he had noted that no anachronistic pigments were found on the picture that he had authenticated , and he said that it was possible that pollock had created only a few of the pictures , or that he had simply touched one of them .
And many modern forgers come out of the field of restoration , where they learn not only how to copy an artist 's style but also how to exploit historically appropriate materials : organic pigments , antique wooden frames infested with beetles , canvases blackened by centuries of smoke .
You should see my desk , it 's like pigments everywhere .
The pigments used come from non-transparent minerals and plants such as malachite and cinnabar .
Various pigments , inks and paper treatments will respond differently to some wavelengths of light .