This showed mr bernanke as a performer in a political circus .
One could go on : the us tax code has more crazy kinks than a broadway performer 's hairdo .
One day an out of work mime is visiting the zoo and attempts to earn some money as a street performer .
At another school , a deputy head told me that being a teacher was like being a performer , but with six or seven different audiences a day .
Seeking sanctuary from their unhappy home lives , the three rent a room in an apartment from an aging chinese-opera performer ( sylvia chang ) .
The composer , the instrument and the performer are all one machine .
Recently , however , the north-east has become brazil 's star economic performer .
Tagore seemed to be a wonderful performer , who can invariably wake up the string of my deep heart and make my soul trembling by resonance .
After some batterings at the hands of david cameron , he is now a solid parliamentary performer , often riling the prime minister .
In over 25 years of seemingly exemplary service concorde had been a first rate performer , whisking passengers in the lap of luxury at twice the speed of sound from paris or london to new york .