Patel 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Maybe mr patel means individual rights cannot be expressed in hindi .
- 或许帕特尔意为个人权利无法用印度语表达。
- On the other hand , argues ricken patel , a co-founder of avaaz , digital activism rarely ends with the click of a mouse .
- 不过另一方面,avaaz的共同创办人rickenpatel则主张,大多数的情况下,数位行动并不是按按鼠标就结束了。
- This patel soon realized went way beyond elder care . His approach could inform ordinary consumers in real time about where the energy they paid for every month was going .
- 帕特尔很快意识到,这项技术的应用范围超出了老年护理领域,它能够用来实时通知消费者他们每个月所消耗电能的去向。
- Faiza patel of the brennan centre for justice feels that an independent oversight authority , like the inspector-general in los angeles , may be needed .
- 布鲁南司法中心的faizapatel认为一个像洛杉矶的综合监管机构那样的独立的监管机构是非常有存在的必要的。
- Aniruddh patel , of the neurosciences institute in san diego , compares music to writing , another widespread cultural phenomenon connected with language .
- 来自圣地亚哥神经科学学会的aniruddhpatel将音乐与另一种广为传播,且与语言息息相关的文化现象-----写作联系在了一起。
- Dr pinker may be right that music was originally an accident and dr patel may be right that it transforms people 's perceptions of the world without necessarily being a proper biological phenomenon .
- 平克可能是对的,因为音乐的原本就是偶然而生;patel也可能是对的,因为音乐着实在未被定义为相应的生物学现象的前提下改变了人们的世界观。
- Mr patel says that if best buy were launching a chinese strategy now , it would try out " fast , quick , cheap " ideas .
- 唐思杰表示,如果百思买现在制定在华发展策略,就会尝试一下“快速、即时、低成本”的想法。
- Rudder who is thirty-five and from little rock met his wife a public-relations executive from long island named reshma patel twelve years ago through friends .
- 鲁德尔,35岁来自小石城,12年前通过朋友认识了他的妻子莱西玛帕特尔,一个来自长岛的公共关系主管。
- Two months ago , while sarju was visiting his parents in madhya pradesh , his 13-year-old son ravendra was beaten senseless by two patel neighbours .
- 两个月前,sarju到中央邦探望父母,他13岁的儿子ravendra莫名其妙被两个帕特尔邻居殴打。
- Lord stern is the ig patel professor and chair of the grantham research institute on climate change and the environment at the london school of economics .
- 斯特恩勋爵是伦敦经济学院ig帕特尔讲座教授,格兰瑟姆研究所气候变化和环境方向的主任。