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But the ruling panhellenic socialist movement believes that the new government to power at least february next year , to be considered after the debt crisis situation is stable election .
By the end of the week it seemed unlikely that his panhellenic socialist movement ( pasok ) could muster the required 151 votes and thus that he would even keep his job .
Yet later that day mr papandreou ( pictured , above , with president karolos papoulias ) was forced to withdraw mr petsalnikos 's candidacy amid a threatened rebellion by backbenchers in his panhellenic socialist movement ( pasok ) .
Even if he commands his own new democracy party , the panhellenic socialist movement ( pasok ) has dramatically lost support and is divided under its leader , evangelos venizelos .
Almost 200 people received hospital treatment after anti-austerity riots outside parliament on the night of wednesday 's vote , which the governing panhellenic socialist movement ( pasok ) party won by 155 votes to 138 .
Scientists from salonica and ioannina universities , who presented their research on friday to the panhellenic medical conference , in athens , concluded that " abdominal obesity , or belly fat " was the worst problem among married people .
Yet the leaders of the panhellenic socialist movement ( pasok ) and the conservative new democracy ( nd ) party , fractious coalition partners for five months , are spoiling for a fight , even if their parties end up joining forces in government again .
His syriza ( left coalition ) party , which unites a handful of fractious radical groups , massively increased its vote in the general election on may 6th , mostly at the expense of the panhellenic socialist movement ( pasok ) .
Mr papandreou 's approval rating has collapsed , along with that of his panhellenic socialist movement ( pasok ) , but the opposition new democracy party has been unable to pick up the slack .
Even backbenchers are blamed for the country 's deepening economic woes , whether they come from the conservative new democracy party , a reckless borrower when in power , or the panhellenic socialist movement ( pasok ) , which failed to clean up the mess .