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The almaty talks begin on tuesday and include iran and the five permanent members of the united nations security council , plus germany , a group known as the p5 + 1 .
As things stand , the five permanent members ( the p5 ) can veto decisions with which they disagree . This already impairs the un 's ability to address certain contentious topics .
The un 's failure to stop the atrocities in darfur or the nuclear posturing of iran and north korea has stemmed largely from the inability of the so-called p5 to agree on what should be done .
The talks scheduled for friday and saturday include the five permanent members of the u.n. security council and germany , a group known as the p5 + 1 .
The obama administration sought to talk directly with iranian diplomats during past meetings of the p5 + 1 and iran , but was largely rebuffed .
Even when the permanent five ( p5 ) members can agree they have to convince at least four of the elected council members in order to take formal action .
Yet last month it was amid expressions of mutual respect that iran 's nuclear negotiator sat down with the representatives of the un security council 's five permanent members plus germany ( known in diplomatic jargon as the p5 + 1 ) .
The last annex of the resolution reiterates the p5 + 1 's offer from 2008 to recognise iran 's right to peaceful nuclear power and to co-operate in areas from aviation to trade to security if iran will suspend enrichment and enter a larger dialogue .
When the p5 , as they are called , first grabbed the most powerful slots , the un had 51 members ; decades of decolonisation and splintering self-determination later , it has 192 .
The incentives offer is part of a two-track strategy by the five permanent u.n. security council member countries and germany , the p5 plus one that has also included three u.n. sanctions resolutions against iran .