英音  [ˌəʊ i: ˈdi:]    
美音 [ˌoʊ]    


abbr.Ordnace Engineering Division 军械工程处

OED 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

But since that time , as reported in an oed newsletter , the word has been found in a 19th century folklore journal .
Or as the oed puts it a powwow was a " priest , shaman or healer . "
The embrace of the parlance of the internet by the oxford english dictionary , or oed , is not just affirmation of the plasticity of the english language .
For example , oed found a quotation for omg in a personal letter from 1917 , and fyi ( for your information ) originated in the language of memoranda in 1941 .
As with most french words mess actually goes back to latin and the oed even takes it back further to indo-european .
Although there were only a handful of acronyms around when snafu was coined , and the oed online lists only 246 , there is one website out there that claims to offer almost three million acronyms and definitions .
The oed is in a unique position of authority because tolkien actually worked there for a few years early in his career . Plus a later editor had studied under tolkien 's professorship .
When the oed was first released in electronic form on the cd-rom disk , author anthony burgess called the electronic big oxford " one of the major technological events of the century " .
The oed online in its newsletters section shows an image of some of jrr 's hand written notes concerning walrus and it is evident that he pondered over the word for some time .
The oed online gives a first citation of gazpacho from 1845 and even gives a recipe .