Defining humanity in terms of " gains and utilities , " the modern outlook " could not see the world itself as containing anything that made moral or normative demands on one , " and led east and west alike into a " cognitive enslavement . "
The proposed normative definition of " morality " is controversial but it does have some features that should be widely accepted .
The delusion that the eu could exert " normative power " by example through its economic integration died in greece .
The following normative document contains provisions , which , through reference in this text , constitute provisions of this technical specification .
The design shall maximize the partition of rooms of different purposes in one building , at this time , it is necessary to conform to the requirements of the normative documents related to the facilities to be designed .
Logic of normative land value structure collapsed as country experienced inflation and economic crises , although collection rates were high . Some regions attempted to base values on market data , but many did not .
The trick here is to realize that a normative definition of the expectation of privacy doesn 't need to depend on threats or technology , but rather on what we -- as society -- decide it should be .