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- Tradition demands that an american always head the world bank , but some say it is time to break that tradition and pick ngozi okonjo-iweala , nigeria 's finance minister .
- 美国在历史上一直是世界银行的领导者,但是一些人说应该打破传统,选尼日利亚的财政部长ngoziokonjo-iweala作为世界银行行长。
- The finance minister , ngozi okonjo-iweala , a genuine reformer , has estimated that 4 00000 barrels of oil a day were stolen in april .
- 一位真正的改革家,财政部长恩戈齐奥孔约伊维拉估计4月每天有40万桶石油被盗。
- He lured ngozi okonjo-iweala , the world bank 's managing-director , back home from washington to act as a super-minister for finance and the economy .
- 他劝诱恩戈齐奥孔约伊维拉,这位世界银行收支总监离开华盛顿出任财务和经济全权部长。
- A forceful former finance minister , ngozi okonjo-iweala , got rampant inflation down to single digits last year and built up foreign exchange reserves that now stand at around $ 48 billion .
- 前财政部长恩戈齐奥孔约伊维拉(ngoziokonjo-iweala)富有魄力,在他的领导下,去年通货膨胀不再盛行,下降到一位数,外汇储备也建立起来,现在约有480亿美元。
- Nigeria 's incoming finance minister , ngozi okonjo-iweala , is particularly keen .
- 尼日利亚的新上任的财务部长,ngoziokonjo-iweala,格外积极。
- This illegal trade in human beings is one of the fastest growing criminal activities globally , u.n. special rapporteur joy ngozi ezeilo said recently .
- 联合国特别报告员joyngoziezeilo最近表示,在全球范围内,非法人口交易是增长最快的犯罪活动之一。
- Dr kim 's main challenger was ngozi okonjo-iweala , nigeria 's finance minister and its main official in charge of national spending plans .
- 金墉的主要竞争对手是尼日利亚财政部长恩戈齐奥孔约伊维拉,她的主要工作是负责国家的支出计划。