The capital and largest city of rhode island ; located in northeastern rhode island on narragansett bay ; site of brown university .
A town of southeast rhode island on narragansett bay north of newport . It is a summer resort . Population , 19460 .
A city of east-central rhode island on narragansett bay south of providence . Settled in 1643 , it is a manufacturing center and a summer resort . Population , 85427 .
Narragansett 's packaging and marketing mix old and new .
Yet mr hellendrung had a surprise when he relaunched narragansett .
Narragansett , which dates to 1890 , was once the best-selling beer in new england .
Certain sewage-treatment plants were damaged , and untreated sewage flowed into the river and then into narragansett bay , forcing a ban on shellfish-fishing throughout the state .