nz 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- That left a residual value of nz $ 62 million in sanlu , mainly its physical plant .
- 这使其在三鹿的残余价值降至6200万新西兰元,主要是其实体工厂的价值。
- So far , the zoo has raised the nz $ 10000 it has cost to house and feed him and has raised nz $ 8000 toward getting him home .
- 目前为止,动物园已经募集了1万新元,用于收留“快乐的大脚”;同时还筹集到8000新元,用于它回家的“盘缠”。
- Rob fyfe , chief executive at air new zealand ltd. ( air . Nz ) , which has no plans for a low-cost unit , said the new offerings are likely to meet the same end .
- 新西兰航空公司(airnewzealandltd.)首席执行长法伊夫(robfyfe)表示,前述新开设的廉价航空公司可能也将遭遇同样的结局。