
Minogue 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- On the night gately died , x factor judge dannii minogue tried a clumsy joke about contestant danyl johnson 's sexuality .
- 在gately去世的夜晚,真人秀xfactor的评委danniiminogue笨拙地对选手danyljohnson的性向开了个玩笑。
- But road safety experts say they should jettison the chunky wide-armed variety of sunglasses worn by kylie minogue , paris hilton and victoria beckham-as well as those with pink or very dark lenses .
- 但路面安全专家们则称,女司机们不应该选择如凯莉?米洛、帕里斯?希尔顿和维多利亚?贝克汉姆戴的那种宽边太阳镜,以及粉色或深色镜片的太阳镜。
- London , cardiff and newcastle were named as the most fashionable cities , with kylie minogue , victoria beckham and jennifer aniston named as the top three fashion icons .
- 伦敦、卡地夫与新堡被选为最时尚的城市,凯莉米洛、维多利亚贝克汉与珍妮佛安妮斯顿,则被选为时尚象徵前3名。
- Abiomed 's chairman , michael minogue , does not claim that his firm 's product will displace human transplants . Even so , the firm has big ambitions .
- 虽然abiomed董事长麦克尔米诺格(michaelminogue)并未宣称要用其公司的产品来替代人体心脏移植,但该公司还是雄心勃勃。
- Dannii minogue , a judge on the x factor , and amanda holden , of britain 's got talent , have both gone public about their desire to give up botox .
- 英国选秀节目《thexfactor》评委丹妮米洛(danniiminogue)和《英国达人》(gottalent)评委阿曼达霍尔登(amandaholden)都曾公开表示过有意停止注射肉毒素。
- Terri minogue , a senior dispatcher at the santa cruz consolidated emergency communications center , remembers a 911 call from a man who said there were two dead bodies in a car .
- 美国加州圣克鲁斯紧急情况联合通讯中心的高级警力调派员特里米诺格表示,他记得一名男人打来911电话称在一辆汽车中发现了两具尸体。
- At the beginning of the second section a huge gauze screen flies in at the front of the stage onto which a film of kylie minogue is projected .
- 第二节开始时,一幅巨大的薄纱屏幕飞到舞台正前方,上面正在放映关于凯丽-米诺的电影。
- In the past year , top names such as justin bieber , katy perry and kylie minogue have performed in indonesia without incident .
- 去年,贾斯汀比伯(justinbieber)、凯蒂佩里(katyperry)和凯莉米洛(kylieminogue)等大牌明星都曾在印尼顺利举办演出。
- Each christmas time , kelly 's sydney mailbox is packed with greeting cards from celebrities and household names including queen elizabeth , pop star kylie minogue , former south african president nelson mandela and u.s. astronaut neil armstrong .
- 每年圣诞节,凯利家的邮箱总是塞满了社会各界名流寄来的圣诞贺卡,其中包括英国女王伊丽莎白,流行明星凯莉?米洛、南非前总统尼尔森?曼德拉和美国宇航员尼尔?阿姆斯特朗等等。
- Kylie minogue follows this diet , and she does seem to stay thin .
- 凯莉米洛使用了这种减肥方式,而且貌似她确实一直很瘦。