Marco 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Spanish matador francisco marco is assisted after being gored by a bull during the san fermin festival in pamplona , on july 8 .
- 7月8号在潘普洛纳奔牛节,西班牙斗牛士franciscomarco在被一头公牛刺中后得到了救治。
- Marco polo was impressed by the efficiency of the chinese system .
- 马可波罗对该制度的执行效率留下了深刻的印象。
- But considering how the marco polo effect works , that doesn 't matter .
- 不过考虑到马可波罗现象的作用方式,这样画也没关系。
- Tata has learnt how to make buses by buying brazil 's marco polo and to make sophisticated off-road vehicles by buying land rover .
- 塔塔集团便从巴西的马可波罗公司身上学会了如何生产巴士车并从路虎那里知道了怎么打造复杂的越野车。
- The crisis is most apparent at telecom italia : its chairman , marco tronchetti provera , resigned last week after falling out with the government over his plans to restructure the debt-laden company .
- 这个危机对于意大利电信最为明显:主席marcotronchettiprovera在关于如何重建这个负债累累的公司的计划上与政府发生争吵后,于上周辞职。
- The republican hope re : florida , marco rubio has suffered some self-inflicted wounds .
- 共和党的希望、佛罗里达州的马可卢比奥已经遭受了一些自食其果的创伤。
- Republican senator marco rubio urged lawmakers to take more time to consider the concerns of both supporters and opponents of the bills .
- 共和党参议员马可卢比奥(marcorubio)敦促国会议员花费更多时间考虑该法案支持者和反对者的担忧。
- Marco may have visited baghdad , but more likely he merely heard about it and other parts of iraq from travelers ; he often reported hearsay .
- 马可波罗可能到过巴格达,但是更有可能的是他只是在伊拉克其它地方从旅行者那里听说巴格达,他经常讲传闻听到的东西。
- Marco annunziata at unicredit thinks it might be a ruse to reassure panicky markets it is in control .
- unicredit的marcoannunziata认为通过降息使一个惊慌的市场恢复信心是不可信的。
- On december 9th the agency 's director-general , marco cuccagna , suffered hand and face injuries when a parcel bomb exploded at his office in rome .
- 去年12月9日该机构的总干事,marcocuccagna,由于一个寄到他罗马办公室的包裹炸弹爆炸而面部和手部受伤。