Manny 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Ellie : manny , you can \'t pick favorites with your kids !
- 艾丽:曼尼,你同伙伴一起的时候不能挑三拣四!
- LAS VEGAS – Manny Pacquiao unequivocally established himself as the finest fighter in the world Saturday .
- 周六,帕奎奥成为了世界上最好的拳手。
- Also favored is businessman Manny Villar whose campaign has focused on his rags to riches life .
- 商人维拉尔的竞选宣传战在他从贫困到富奋斗经历。维拉尔也被人看好。
- So what does a contract killer cost these days , manny ?
- 所以雇用杀手要他付出代价,曼尼?
- The truth is , i \'ve let you down , manny .
- 事实上,是我连累的你,曼尼。
- Trying to compare what Manny did to Cotto as what he may do to Floyd is futile .
- 试图比较小帕对库托和小帕对小梅有什么不同是没用的。
- Manny , who do you like better , me or diego ?
- 曼尼,迭戈和我你更喜欢哪一个?
- Manny : what are you doing this weekend ? Anything exciting ?
- 曼尼:这个周末你会做什么?有什么有趣活动吗?
- I can \'t even have a kid with her , Manny .
- 她甚至都不能为我生个小孩,曼尼。
- Manny is NOT the reckless left hand happy fighter of old .
- 小帕不是鲁莽地左手重拳进攻。