
Macbook 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Apple is widely expected to unveil a new version of the macbook air next week .
- 外界普遍认为苹果将在下周推出新版MacBookAir。
- In essence , ultrabooks were intended as an answer to apple 's macbook air .
- 从本质上讲,超极本就是电脑厂商造出来抗衡苹果的MacBookAir的机器。
- Every iphone or macbook has his fingerprints all over it .
- 每一台iphone或macbook都布满了他的指纹。
- I doubt whether he can avoid making a macbook net .
- 我怀疑,他最终还是免不了推出macbooknet上网本。
- I 've considered buying just about every apple product , but all I have is the one macbook .
- 就如我曾经想过要买下所有的苹果产品,但是我现在只拥有一台苹果笔记本。
- The macbook enclosure is also getting tired .
- macbook的外壳也让人生厌了。
- I have a macbook and all my music is in itunes .
- 我有一台macbook,而我所有的音乐都在itunes里。
- So who 's this macbook for ?
- 那么这款macbook的用途何在?
- Filmmakers , videographers and some other media professionals can certainly make the claim that the 17-inch macbook pro is the one for them .
- 电影制作人,摄影师及其他专业媒体人可以肯定地说这款17寸的苹果笔记本式专为他们而设的。
- Apple fed its newfound momentum with a deluge of subsequent products , ranging from updated imacs to the macbook air .
- iPhone大获成功之后,苹果趁势接二连三地推出新产品,从升级版的iMac,到后来的MacbookAir。