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- I can explicate them best by invoking karl popper 's theory of scientific method .
- 通过援引卡尔波普尔的科学方理论,我可以清楚阐明这种影响。
- Karl marx noticed something similar .
- 卡尔马克斯也注意到了类似的事情。
- Until the world faces this fact , karl marx remains a threat .
- 直到世界面对这个事实之前,卡尔马克思都将是一个威胁。
- Leaked memos from karl eikenberry , america 's ambassador in kabul , exposed a rift with general mcchrystal .
- 从美国驻喀布尔大使karleikenberry那儿泄漏出的备忘录暴露了他和mcchrystal将军的不合。
- Having the flexibility to use different crops and agricultural by-products as the feedstock for the process is important , says karl sanford of genencor .
- genencor的karlsanford说,该生产过程可以用不同种类的农作物和农业副产物作为原料,这一点是很重要的。
- Former chief economists of giant oil companies do not normally find themselves fighting off comparisons with karl marx .
- 巨型石油公司的前任首席经济学家们通常不会排斥跟卡尔马克思的理论做比较。
- Ireporter karl loo lives near the building and was there about a half-hour after the fire started .
- 记者karlloo住在该建筑物的附近,火灾开始后,他在那里耽了约半个小时。
- Allen later changed into a chanel haute couture gown designed by her friend karl lagerfeld , to party in style at the reception held at her country home in gloucestershire .
- allen最后选择了由她的朋友karllagerfeld设计的香奈儿高级定制时装礼服,别具风格的是她婚礼在她格洛斯特郡的乡村老家举行。
- The case of karl marx was similar .
- 这正如马克思的情况一样。
- Karl marx endowed burgher society with economical basis , and there is no burgher society which always pursues individualism in a more general sense .
- 在马克思看来,市民社会具有经济基础的同等含义,不存在一般意义上的、始终奉行个人主义的市民社会。