MANDY 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Mandy , where are you ?
- mandy你在哪儿?
- So , mandy wasn 't ableto lift any prints offof the cash we found .
- 所以mandy没有办法在我们找到的钱上提取指纹了?
- Inside the apartment , cal pulled a bottle of wine from his coat , but mandy shook her head , poured them glasses of water from the tap .
- 走进寓所,卡尔从他的外套里抽出一瓶酒来,可是曼迪摇摇头,从水龙头给他们装了两杯水。
- " Trauma this , atrocity that , people ought to keep their traps shut , " mandy 's father said .
- “这个创伤,那个暴行,这些人应该闭嘴,”曼迪的父亲说。
- Mandy 's father , jacob , had never said anything like this to mandy , not in any of his tongues .
- 曼迪的父亲,雅各布,从来没有跟她说这些,哪怕只言片语。
- Supersized : mandy holds the ostrich egg up to a chicken 's which is tiny in comparison
- 庞然大物:曼迪手中的鸡蛋在鸵鸟蛋面前简直微不足道。
- ' The project has the potential to power two million homes by 2020 . That 's incredibly exciting stuff , ' says mandy johnstone , who represents townsville in australia 's parliament .
- 澳大利亚议会代表汤斯维尔的议员约翰斯通(mandyjohnstone)说,这项工程有在2020年之前为两百万个家庭供电的潜力;这是极其令人激动的事情。
- Instead , the praise for mandy at the weekend came from an unlikely source : gordon brown . Mandelson is said to be gratified .
- 相反在这个周末,对曼德尔森的赞扬从一个不太可能的来源传出:英国财政大臣高登.布朗,他对曼德尔森很满意。
- Despite her unpredictability and her struggles with bipolar disorder , carrie remains cia acting director saul berenson 's ( mandy patinkin ) most trusted ( and used ) asset .
- 尽管卡莉的行为难以预测,而且还饱受躁郁症的煎熬,但她还是中情局代理局长索尔•贝伦森(曼迪•帕汀金饰)最为信任(及最常任用)的探员。
- Mandy , can I talk to you for a second ?
- 曼迪,能和谈一分钟吗?