
Locklear 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The us africa command , based in germany , and joint task force commander us adm samuel locklear have effectively been in control .
- 美国非洲司令部,总部设在德国和美国联合特遣部队指挥官行政塞缪尔洛克利尔得到了有效控制。
- Admiral samuel locklear , a coalition commander , said that all options were being considered .
- 联军指挥官塞缪尔洛克利尔(samuellocklear)海军上将表示,正在考虑所有选项。
- And not because she 's unattractive -- at 18 she got as far as the miss minnesota pageant , and today she can still be credibly described as the thinking man 's heather locklear .
- 这倒不是因为她缺乏吸引力她在18岁的时候可就获得了明尼苏达小姐的称号,时至今日她仍可以毫不夸张地被形容为善于思考的heatherlocklear。
- Locklear has assumed leadership of the pacific command as the u.s. is placing a greater emphasis on the asia-pacific .
- 在洛克里尔就任为太平洋战区总司令时,美国也对亚太地区更加地倚重。
- Locklear , who most recently was commander of nato-led operations that helped libyan rebels overthrow moammar gadhafi , has made maturing bilateral military relations one of pacific command 's five basic priorities .
- 最近,时任北约军事行动指挥官,帮助利比亚叛军推翻莫马尔卡扎菲的洛克里尔上将,将美中军事关系成熟化列为亚太战区五大优先考虑之一。
- Locklear pointed to two rotational deployments - sending marines to australia and navy littoral combat ships to singapore - as examples of how the u.s. planned to boost its engagement in the region without building more bases or otherwise installing infrastructure .
- 洛克里尔指的是两类部署将海军陆战队送往澳大利亚,同时再将海军海岸战舰派往新加坡以此作为美军如何在不设立更多基地或其它基础设施的情况下,加强地区活动的典范。
- He said admiral sam locklear was leading the operations from the uss mount whitney in the mediterranean sea .
- 他说山姆洛克里尔上将正在地中海的惠特尼号美舰上指挥行动。
- Mr. locklear chuckled " I say for a girl of such barbaric breeding , she is certainly elegant . Wouldn 't you agree , son ? "
- 洛克利尔先生笑道:“我为这种野蛮的育种女孩说,她肯定是优雅。难道你不同意,儿子?”
- Mr. richard locklear , a stout plump man with prominent whiskers walked inside in hearty laughter .
- 理查德先生洛克利尔,具有突出的胡子的男人走进饱满粗壮的爽朗的笑声。
- Qadhafi 's forces are still in breach of the u.n. security council , locklear said , noting their continued attacks on civilians in the city of misurata .
- 洛克利尔说,卡扎菲的军队仍在违反联合国安理会的决议,并指出其军队仍在继续攻击米苏拉塔(misurata)市的平民。