
LinkedIn 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Put another way , linkedin is the social-media version of a printed-out resume .
- 换句话说,如果LinkedIn是社交媒体版的书面简历,那Facebook是什么?
- Linkedin benefits from a meaningful core differentiator – its unique data set .
- LinkedIn的优势在于一项重大的核心差异化因素,那就是它独一无二的数据库。
- A recent linkedin survey of 6,500 professionals around the world suggests so .
- 最近LinkedIn的调查给出了答案:是。
- But renren and linkedin have stumbled .
- 不过人人网和LinkedIn的表现都差强人意。
- Former deputy general counsel bj watrous is now listed on linkedin as having the job .
- 现在,职业社交网站LinkedIn上的资料显示,前代理总律师BJ•沃特劳斯已接替此职。
- Intel , apple , linkedin , google – they all disrupted everything .
- 英特尔(Intel)、苹果(Apple),商务社交网站LinkedIn和谷歌(Google)——它们都打破了陈规,创造了全新的东西。
- Business sites like linkedin help them further their careers .
- linkedin等商业网站帮助人们在职场更进一步。
- In your direct message , state that you 're interested in further communication through linkedin and provide your e-mail address .
- 在你们的交流中,你可以表现出你对通过商务化人际网络进行交流的兴趣并提供你的邮箱。
- He rates lunch at the linkedin social networking company the best so far .
- 他将linkedin社交网络公司的午餐评为迄今最棒的午餐。
- Russian hackers stole 6 million passwords from linkedin .
- 俄罗斯黑客窃取了600万linkedin账户密码。