


Liberia 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Liberia 's long civil war made such things seem less gruesome .
- 利比里亚长期的内战让这样的事情看起来并不那么骇人听闻。
- So watch out for stunning victories for moldova and liberia .
- 所以等着看摩尔多瓦共和国和利比里亚的惊人成就吧。
- Such ritual killings are known in liberia as gboyo .
- 这样的仪式杀人在利比里亚被称作gboyo。
- In liberia they must own property worth at least $ 25000 .
- 在利比里亚,候选人必须拥有至少两万五千美元的财产。
- Inside liberia there is asphalt from the border all the way to monrovia .
- 在利比里亚,从边境通往首都蒙罗维亚的各条道路都铺设了柏油。
- She took over as president after years of civil wear had left liberia in ruins .
- 在她出任总统之前,多年内战已将利比里亚毁成一片废墟。
- It is worth remembering that liberia 's descent into chaos began in 1979 with food riots .
- 我们应当铭记于心因为1979年的粮食危机而导致利比里亚从繁荣走向动乱。
- The study measured trees in 79 areas of intact forest across 10 african countries from liberia to tanzania .
- 研究测量了从利比里亚横穿到坦桑尼亚的十个非洲国家的79处完好无损的森林。
- Over two decades after they left liberia , the moore sisters now lead successful lives in america .
- 离开利比里亚后二十多年过去了,现在摩尔姐妹在美国过着幸福的生活。
- Kosovo , sierra leone and liberia all showed that outsiders can in fact help avert catastrophes .
- 科索沃,塞拉利昂以及利比里亚的例子都表明,外界的力量可以消除灾难。