

[人名] 莱文森

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In a phone conversation , levinson said that this is one of the last major releases for wizehive before it will come out of beta .
" Steve 's extraordinary vision and leadership saved apple and guided it to its position as the world 's most innovative and valuable technology company , " said the genentech chairman and apple board member , mr art levinson , on behalf of the company board .
Schmidt responded to levinson 's own departure by calling him a " good friend " .
Mr levinson says that , despite the optimism of the liberals , there is no systematic relationship discernible in the data between political views and income levels .
Mr. levinson , for the payment . Of this order , please make sure that the letter of credit reaches us a month before the delivery date .
Levinson , who joined the board in 2000 , was a colleague and close friend to apple 's legendary founder and ceo .
Levinson spoke openly about jobs , apple 's recent earnings , and the board 's role in product creation tuesday afternoon at stanford 's graduate school of business .
These decisions can be the wisest you can make , but if you are looking at the next quarter or at the next year , they are hard to swallow , " says levinson .
In a news release , apple director art levinson , the chairman of genentech , speaking on behalf of apple 's board , expressed confidence in cook . "
The board has complete confidence that tim is the right person to be our next ceo , " levinson said .