
[人名] 莱思布里奇;[地名] [加拿大] 莱斯布里奇
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- " Samoa has become a second home to me , " said vasey , who teaches at the university of lethbridge in alberta , canada .
- 加拿大阿尔伯特lethbridge大学的教员维西说:“萨摩亚是我的第二故乡。”
- Mark lethbridge , partner at drivers jonas and adviser to nomura , said the transaction was the largest deal to date on a new office building in london .
- driversjonas合伙人、野村顾问马克莱思布里奇(marklethbridge)表示,这是伦敦迄今为止规模最大的新办公楼租赁交易。
- July 23 , an f-18 fighter jets carried out in low altitude flight lethbridge alberta suddenly lost power drill .
- 7月23日,一架f-18战斗机在艾伯塔省莱斯布里奇进行超低空飞行演练时突然失去动力。
- Pilot capt. brian bews parachutes to safety just as his cf-18 fighter jet plummets to the ground during a practice flight at the lethbridge county airport for the weekend airshow in lethbridge , alberta , canada on july 23 , 2010 .
- 飞行员上尉布赖恩贝斯降落伞时的安全,为7月23日,2010年在莱斯布里奇,加拿大阿尔伯塔省莱斯布里奇周末航展在县飞机场飞行就像他的cf-18战斗机坠落到地面。