
Launchpad 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- London - roberto mancini believes manchester city 's fa cup triumph can be the launchpad for an assault on next season 's premier league .
- 伦敦罗伯托曼奇尼认为曼城在足总杯的胜利,可说是吹响了征战下赛季的英超联赛的集结号。
- Among the many things that outside military and intelligence analysts will watch is how quickly north korea places it on the launchpad and how it gets there .
- 外界军事和情报分析人士将从这次发射活动中观察到一系列情况,其中包括朝鲜将火箭运抵发射场的速度以及运抵方式。
- It might also prove the launchpad for an " itunes for newspapers " , allowing commuters to read news on screen instead of in print .
- 这块“板”可能将变成一份“itunes报纸”,能让上下班的人在屏幕上阅读新闻而不用看纸质报纸。
- Be honest and humble and realize that most businesses do not turn a profit , and many more never get off the launchpad .
- 诚实和谦虚,并认识到大多数生意不会产生利润,甚至很多从未离开过“发射台”。
- Composite of the saturn v rocket rising from the launchpad as the gantry swings aside
- 这是火箭塔架转向一边时,土星5号火箭从发射台上升起的组图。
- The advantage of shamsi is that it provides a discreet launchpad within minutes of quetta - a known taleban staging post - as well as taleban infiltration routes into afghanistan and potential militant targets farther afield .
- 沙姆西基地的优势在于是其提供了一个距离奎达只有几分钟的隐秘的发射平台,而奎达被认为是塔利班的补给站,同时也是渗透进入阿富汗和其它潜在的边远地区军事目标的中转路线。
- There is a search tool for launchpad ppas but it did not display the packages in the ppa it finds - y ppa manager on the other hand can display all the packages in a ppa that come up in the search results , along with their versions .
- 有的launchpadppas搜索工具不能显示找到的ppa的软件包,而yppa管理器则相反,它可以显示所有出现在搜索结果中的ppa的软件包及它们的版本号。
- There 's no way of knowing if those projections are too rosy , but if history teaches us anything , it 's that the space program 's grimmest chapters - the launchpad fires and shuttle disasters - unfold when policy planners lean too hard on engineers .
- 这些设计的前景是否过于乐观目前还不得而知,但是我们从历史中吸取教训的话,当政策设计者们过于依赖工程师的时候,航天计划最可怕的篇章-发射台起火和航天飞机灾难也可能会再次上演。
- Michael oren , an israeli historian and senior fellow at the jerusalem-based shalem centre , says the gaza crisis shows that " if you hand back territory it becomes a launchpad for rockets " .
- 以色列历史学家、耶路撒冷shalem中心资深研究员迈克尔奥伦(michaeloren)就指出,加沙危机说明“如果你把该地区拱手让出,那么它就会变成一个火箭弹发射台。”
- Some of those features feel organic , but others , like a separate screen for apps called launchpad , seem superfluous .
- 它融入了许多之前只有iOS具备的功能,其中有些功能看上去浑然天成,另外一些则有画蛇添足之嫌,例如为启动面板(Launchpad)应用程序单开一屏。