Kwon 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The presiding judge , o-gon kwon of south korea , faces a dilemma over how to deal with a recalcitrant defendant who has long argued he is immune from prosecution because of a deal allegedly struck with richard holbrooke , then the us balkan envoy , after the war ended in 1995 .
- 来自韩国的首席法官o-gonkwon正面临着难题,该如何对付一个保持抗拒姿态的被告,卡拉季奇称自己可以免予起诉,据其申诉他曾与美国巴尔干特使理查德霍尔布鲁克(richardholbrooke)在1995年战争结束后签订过一个协议。
- At virginia tech , maxine turner co-founded a sorority and earned a red belt in tae kwon do .
- 在维吉尼亚理工学院,maxineturner是一女学生联谊会的发起人之一,还曾赢得了跆拳道的红腰带。
- Ho kwon ping says his experience changed his life .
- 何光平说他的经历改变了他的生活。
- That needs to be covered up ? Is that it ? Officer kwon ! !
- 必须被掩盖?是不是?荃警官!!
- Kwon was speaking at the firm 's annual mobile solutions forum in taipei .
- 他是在出席台北举行的三星公司移动解决方案年度论坛上发表这番讲话的。
- So you 're kwon jeong-min ?
- 这么说你就是孔贞悯?
- I will be your new art teacher.my name 's kwon sang-choon .
- 我将会是你们的新美术老师。我叫浩熊桑浩熊.
- However mr kwon warned that young people should be cautious when seeking such operations .
- 但是,权先生警告年轻人在欲进行手术时应三思。
- But if supply disruptions from japan extend beyond two months , it may pose a problem , mr. kwon said .
- 但他说,如果源自日本的供应中断延续两个月以上,那么就有可能带来麻烦。
- " Korea is quickly turning into an aged society , " says kwon young-sun , an analyst at nomura .
- 野村证券(nomura)分析师权荣善(kwonyoungsun)表示:“韩国正迅速变成一个老龄社会。”