Kew 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Their father is also guilty , insomuch as he kew what they were planning to do .
- 他们的父亲也是有罪的,因为他当时知道他们在策划什么。
- The archive has hoped that putting more material online would cut the numbers trekking to kew .
- 档案馆本希望把更多文献搬到网上去,以为这样就会减少长途跋涉来基尤的读者量。
- They spent the afternoon wandering around kew gardens .
- 他们整个下午都在伦敦皇家植物园散步。
- Lady kew could squeeze out a tear over a good novel too .
- 寇女士对一本好的小说也能挤出泪采。
- I 'll ask uncle kew for more and send to you .
- 我下回找桥叔问他多拿一些寄给你。
- The name of that old flame who kissed you in kew gardens way back when is on the tip of your tongue . Your memory is atrocious .
- 很久以前在基尤花园吻你的旧情人的名字到了嘴边却说不上来,你的记忆力糟透了。
- Kew has sent a treasure chest of activities to every state primary school as part of the great plant hunt , and there are activities for secondary students , too .
- kew已经向每个国立学校发出了各种活动的百宝箱,作为“奇妙植物之旅”的一部分,也有适合中学生的活动。
- London 's kew gardens , formally called the royal botanic gardens , kew , began as a private garden at a royal estate in the 16th century .
- 伦敦的乔园,正式称为皇家植物园,作为一个私人花园开始于16世纪的皇家庄园。
- There are about nine glasshouses in kew gardens .
- 邱园内有约九间温室。
- 7 / 16 A chinese mitten crab , eriocheir sinensis , crouches quiety in the lake of kew gardens
- 7/16一只中华绒螯蟹(chinesemittencrab,学名eriocheirsinensis)静静地蹲伏在基尤花园的湖里。