
[dʒoˈhænɪsˌbɚɡ, -ˈhɑnɪs-]

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- Very soon after gold was discovered in johannesburg in 1886 , my ancestors pitched up there .
- 1886年,在约翰内斯堡发现黄金后不久,我的祖先就奔赴那里。
- She 's a senior official for gauteng , the province that includes johannesburg .
- 她是豪登省(gauteng)的高级官员,约翰内斯堡就坐落于该省。
- It is hard to imagine that a shooting in johannesburg could spell instability in the distant heart of africa .
- 很难想象一件发生在遥远的约翰内斯堡的枪击案会给非洲的心脏地带带来不稳定因素。
- Morning light the sulphur colour of the mine dumps seeps across johannesburg 's skyline and sears through my window .
- 如残矿般硫磺色的晨光渗染过约翰内斯堡天际,又凋零落入我窗。
- Among the projects affected were new football stadiums and a high-speed rail link between pretoria and johannesburg .
- 在受影响的工程中,包括一个新的足球场和一连接比勒陀利亚和约翰内斯堡之间的高速铁路线。
- South africa 's mining industry is under heavy scrutiny after 44 people died during protests at a platinum mine near johannesburg .
- 44名抗议者在约翰内斯堡附近的一家白金矿山死亡后,南非采矿工业正接受严格审查。
- The township of soweto , johannesburg 's largest , was once a byword for violence and black deprivation .
- 约翰内斯堡最大的城市索韦托(soweto)曾是暴力与剥夺黑人公权的代名词。
- After his release from prison , nelson mandela gave his first speech in johannesburg in the stadium now named soccer city .
- 纳尔逊曼德拉获释后在约翰内斯堡发表了他的第一次讲话,讲话的地点就在这个现在被命名为足球城的体育场。
- On june 11th the opening match of the football world cup takes place at soccer city near soweto , a sprawling black township outside johannesburg .
- 6月11日,南非世界杯揭幕战将在约翰内斯堡城外一个黑人聚集区---索韦托附近的足球城打响。
- Nicky oppenheimer insists that the family will stay connected with south africa : they are still based in johannesburg .
- 尼克.奥本哈默坚持认为,家族将保持与南非的联系:他们仍然留在约翰内斯堡。