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- After completing the course , joanne went to cambridge to do a year 's training to be a teacher of art .
- 自从学业完成后,乔安妮去了剑桥大学培训了一年如何做好一名艺术老师的课程。
- A few months after starting at harrow , joanne met the england rugby star matt dawson in a london nightclub and they started going out .
- 在哈罗公学执教了几个月后,乔安妮遇到了英格兰一家俱乐部的橄榄球星马特多森,随后他们经常约会。
- Jobs was eventually reunited with his natural mother , joanne , and met his sister , the novelist mona simpson .
- 乔布斯最终与亲生母亲乔安妮(joanne)团聚,并与妹妹小说家莫娜辛普森(monasimpson)相见。
- " We 're all optimists , " says joanne lawrence , who teaches corporate responsibility and social innovation at hult . " We all see africa rising . "
- 在霍特商学院从事企业责任与社会创新教学的乔安妮劳伦斯女士说:“我们都是乐观主义者,我们都在关注非洲的崛起。”
- Joanne , 33 , is vibrant and bubbly , with a gentle northern irish lilt to her speech , and a warm and trusting manner .
- 乔安妮今年33岁,性情活泼开朗、阳光明媚,态度温文尔雅,让人深为信任,说话时带着委婉而抑扬顿挫的北爱兰腔调。
- Neither of rowling 's parents went to college , but her mother 's family was solidly middle class and educated ; joanne 's great-aunt ivy was a classics teacher , and she introduced joanne to mitford 's writing .
- 罗琳的父母都没上过大学,但是她母亲的家庭是殷实的中产阶级,受过教育;乔安妮的大姨艾维是一位古典文学教师,她将米特福德的作品介绍给了乔安妮。
- At that moment , she received a phone call from a colleague in the school medical centre . She asked if joanne was sitting down . ' There are nude photographs of you circulating the school , ' the woman said .
- 正在那时候,她在学校的医务室时接到来自同事的电话,她询问乔安妮是否坐好了,然后那个女人说道:“你的不雅照正在学校里蔓延。”
- Former harrow school art teacher joanne salley learned a hard lesson last year when revealing photos of her taken by a colleague went viral on the internet . Here , in an exclusive interview , she talks for the first time about what really happened
- 前哈罗公学艺术系的教师乔安妮莎莉去年汲取了一次惨痛经历的教训,当时她的同事给她拍了一系列大尺度的个人照在网上遭到疯传,而现在她接受了本报的独家采访,第一次说出当时到底发生了什么。
- Steve eddy , who taught rowling english when she first arrived , and has since become a writer with an interest in mythology and astrology , remembers joanne as " not exceptional " but " one of a group of girls who were bright , and quite good at english . "
- 史蒂夫艾迪(steveeddy)是罗琳刚进学校时的英语老师,那时对神话和占星术的写作很感兴趣,他记得乔安妮“不是很特别”,但却是“那些英语极棒的女孩中的一员。”
- Joanne salley is living proof that bad things happen to good people .
- 乔安妮莎莉就是一个活生生的例子不幸的事情总是发生在好人身上。