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- The five kinds of heirloom tomatoes on joanna lehrman 's and roxanne adair 's farm look delicious .
- 在乔安娜莱尔曼和罗克珊代尔的农场,五种传家宝一样的番茄看上去十分美味。
- " This is one of the most successful coca-cola innovations of the 21st century , " says joanna lu , a coke marketing director .
- 可口可乐一位营销总监乔安娜?卢(joannalu)表示:“这是可口可乐在21世纪最成功的创新之一。”
- The researchers , led by dr joanna maselko of duke university in north carolina , rated the relationships of 482 eight-month-old babies with their mothers during routine developmental assessment .
- 美国北卡罗来纳州杜克大学的乔安娜?马赛尔可博士带领的研究小组通过日常的成长评价对482个八个月大的孩子和母亲的关系进行了评估。
- Joanna blythman , a british investigative food journalist , wants to dispel the myth that eating well is the preserve of the " neurotic rich " .
- 乔安娜-布里斯曼是一位英国食品行业的调查记者,她想要消除人们认为讲究饮食是“神经过敏的富人”才关心的事的成见。
- Joanna scott 's new novel , " follow me , " will be published in the spring .
- 乔安娜斯科特的最新小说《followme》即将于春季出版。
- Nonetheless , says joanna kupis , managing director of quintessentially 's estates property division , big spenders are trying to be less ostentatious .
- 然而,精英会房产业务董事总经理乔安娜库普斯(joannakupis)说,出手阔绰的客户正努力低调。
- He and his wife opened a restaurant , moganshan lodge , when they moved here , and joanna kitto has helped renovate three villas to rent to guests .
- 他和太太搬到这里后,开办了一家名为“莫干山小舍”的餐厅,乔安娜基托帮忙翻修了3栋别墅,并将其租给宾客。
- Joanna birenbaum , director of litigation for the women 's legal education and action fund , said " the ruling is extremely important for women with mental disabilities . "
- 妇女法律知识与行动基金会的诉讼主管,乔安娜拜伦鲍姆说道:“这一决定对于有心智障碍的妇女具有重大意义。”
- " We needed a global product range and operation for the institutional market , " says joanna munro , who has been appointed chief executive officer of hsbc investments multi-manager .
- 被任命为汇丰多重经理人投资业务首席执行官的乔安娜蒙罗(joannamunro)表示:“为了(赢得)机构市场,我们需要一个全球性的产品系列和运作。”
- It was only friday when we found out about audrina partridge 's remarkably hot sibling casey ( although not everyone went for her tattoos ) and a couple of weeks ago we felt it necessary to tell you that both joanna and marta krupa are stupidly attractive as well .
- 比如说就在周五我们发现了audrinapartridge最铁的姐们儿casey(尽管不是所有人都是奔她纹身去的)在寄个星期以前我们就觉得非常有必要告诉大家,库鲁帕家的乔安娜和玛塔看起来也是相当的愚蠢。