
Jiangxi 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Interaction between Government-oriented and Market Regulation : Studying the Grain Management Mechanism in Jiangxi in the Anaphase of Resisting Japan
- 政府主导与市场调节的互动:抗战后期江西粮食管理机制研究
- Through the project in Jiangxi Province , the Bank introduced an integrated approach to agricultural development and modernization.The approach comprised
- 通过在江西省实施本项目,世界银行引进综合方式加速农村发展,推进农业现代化建设,其具体内容包括
- A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Industrialization Process of Jiangxi Province and Analysis of Countermeasures to speed up the Industrialization Process
- 江西省工业化进程综合评价和加速工业化进程的对策分析
- Social Mobilization Study in K.M.T-controlled Areas of Jiangxi , 1928-1945
- 江西国统区社会动员研究,1928-1945
- SWOT Analysis of Foreign Direct Investment Utilization in Jiangxi Province
- 江西利用外商直接投资的SWOT分析
- A dead fish is seen floating in a polluted river on the outskirts of Yingtan , Jiangxi province March20,2010 .
- 阿死鱼看到了关于江西鹰潭市郊污染的河流漂浮2010年3月20日。
- In1995 , finished the large-scale white marble relief sculpture Natural Treasure for the front hall of Jiangxi Art Theatre .
- 1995年创作的江西省艺术剧院正厅大型汉白玉浮雕《物华天宝》落成。
- Objective To profile the type and pathogen of superficial fungal infections at rural areas of Jiangxi province in China .
- 目的了解江西省农村地区居民浅部真菌病构成情况及致病菌的种类。
- Study on Teaching Content and Ways as an Optional Course of Tennis Investigation and Development in Universities in Jiangxi Province
- 江西省普通高校网球选项课教学内容与教学方法的现状及对策研究
- A Research to the Technical Innovation of Jiangxi Private Enterprise
- 推进江西民营企业技术创新的对策研究