
n.牙买加人(的)( Jamaican的名词复数 )
Jamaicans 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Then came the world recession , which has hit tourism , bauxite and remittances from jamaicans abroad , the island 's three big foreign-exchange earners .
- 接踵而来的全球经济衰退更使该岛国外汇来源的三大支柱受到强烈打击:旅游业,铝土矿出口和境外牙买加人向国内的汇款。
- Jamaicans now fret that trinidadian companies control their national airline and supply their supermarkets .
- 牙买加人现在很烦恼,特立尼达的公司控制着他们的国家航空公司和他们超市的供应。
- Newly appointed minister of energy and mining , hon . Clive mullings , is calling on jamaicans to be more knowledgeable about energy consumption in their households , in their daily travels and at the workplace .
- 新上任的能源与矿产部部长hon.clivemullings呼吁牙买加人多学习一些有关他们家庭日常用电、外出旅游以及工作场合的能源消耗的知识。
- This ecologically diverse wilderness-where prized coffee is grown-is rarely trekked by jamaicans , let alone foreign visitors .
- 连牙买加人都很少涉足这块生态多样化的荒野之地这里生长珍贵的咖啡更别说外国游客了。
- Many jamaicans have the dream to own their own home .
- 许多牙买加人一直梦想拥有自己的房子。
- Didn 't come from the jamaicans .
- 不是来自于牙买加人.
- Why jamaicans run so fast ?
- 牙买加人为什么跑的那么快
- Jamaicans are very competitive people and each of them was looking to win the red bull bunny hop challenge .
- 牙买加人是极具竞争力的人民和他们每个人期待赢得红牛兔子跳的挑战。