
[ɪˈrækɪ, ɪˈrɑkɪ]

Iraqi 变化形式
复数: Iraqis

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- The iraqi cabinet will consider revised proposals .
- 伊拉克内阁将考虑修改后的报价。
- The precarious iraqi state might collapse .
- 原本就不稳定的伊拉克政权可能就此崩溃。
- After the trial , iraqi intelligence agents tied him to a chair and brought in his wife .
- 审判结束后,伊拉克的间谍们把他绑在椅子上,然后把他的妻子带进了牢房。
- Iraqi businessmen gripe that cnn exaggerates the violence in their country , but it is real enough .
- 伊拉克的商人抱怨cnn夸大了伊拉克境内的暴力,但那些报道已经足够真实了。
- The iraqi kurds are talking of amnesty for pkk fighters born on their side of the border , syria may do too .
- 伊拉克的库尔德人正在讨论对出生在他们边境附近的土耳其工人党给以特赦,叙利亚也有可能这么做。
- A former tech company executive brinkley served as a matchmaker of sorts between iraqi entrepreneurs and foreign businessmen .
- 他以前曾是科技公司的高管,现在负责在伊拉克的企业家和外国商人之间牵线搭桥。
- The arrangement will stick in many iraqi gullets .
- 这一安排将让许多伊拉克人如哽在咽。
- But iraqi precedent suggests otherwise .
- 但伊拉克的先例展示了另一种可能。
- Polish special forces helped secure some iraqi oil drilling platforms .
- 波兰特种部队协助保卫一些伊拉克石油钻井平台。
- Such incidents do not bode well for iraqi peace .
- 这种事件对于伊拉克的和平而言可不是什么吉兆。