
n.起义,暴动,造反( insurgent的名词复数 )
insurgents 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- For the moment , the party establishment has won a decisive battle against such insurgents .
- 就目前而言,党内当权派赢得了决定性的胜利,压制住了这些党内的反对派。
- The uprising quickly turned violent , insurgents took control of cities in eastern libya , and the u. n. security council authorized nato bombing to protect civilians against the regime 's bloody counterattacks .
- 反抗活动很快暴力升级,反对派控制了利比亚东部多个城市,联合国安理会授权北约进行空袭以在政府血腥的反攻中保护平民。
- The conservative party has never been divided between left and right so much as between establishment types , who seek to manage the british state as it is , and insurgents who want to shake it up .
- 保守党从未像现在这样左右分明:当权派希望政府维持现状,反对派则想将其彻底改造。
- Once they arrived , the foreign force -- which would have to be heavily military in nature because there are 120000 troops in neighboring afghanistan but simply not enough aid workers -- would attract pakistani insurgents like magnets .
- 一旦援助抵达,外国军队自然是全副武装的,因为在相邻的阿富汗还有12万军队,但却没有救援人员一定会吸引巴基斯坦反对派的注意。