ICC 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The libyan government does not recognise the icc 's jurisdiction .
- 利比亚政府并不承认国际刑事法庭的合法性。
- Polls a year ago said that 78 % of kenyans support the icc .
- 一年前的民调显示,78%的肯尼亚人支持icc。
- The icc has one notable chance to prove its worth-in kenya .
- 肯尼亚给了icc一个证明自己的好机会。
- Some of the icc 's troubles are longstanding .
- 国际刑事法庭的一些麻烦是长期存在的。
- The icc , which has 108 member states , has not so far recognised palestine as a sovereign state or as a member .
- icc,拥有108个成员国,它至今没有承认巴勒斯坦是一个主权国家或者是其成员国。
- The force majeure clause of the icc standard shall apply to this contract .
- 国际商会标准关於不可抗力的条款适用於本合同。
- The icc warrant will make it harder for him to flee .
- 国际刑事法庭的逮捕令使他的出逃变得很困难。
- This is a long and costly process for icc , which is a non-governmental , self-financed organization .
- 对于国际商会这个非政府又自我融资的组织来说,这是个既持久又费钱的工作。
- An umbrella organization , icc commercial crime services , coordinates the activities of the specialized anti-crime services .
- 国际商会的商业犯罪服务机构作为商业行为的保护伞,调整各种专业的反犯罪活动。
- The arbitral tribunal shall draw up and submit to the parties for signature the terms of reference ( as required in terms of article 18 of the icc rules ) within ten business days after receiving the file .
- 仲裁庭应在收到案卷后10个营业日内,按国际商会规则第18条规定,拟定审理范围书,并将相关文件交由各方当事人签署。