Hydrotherapy or spa treatment can be used to address various problems .
Appling hydrotherapy in the health care of the cardiovascular system .
Colon hydrotherapy is one of five major ways that can cleanse the colon .
Enemas have been a predecessors to complicated day colonic irrigation regulating state-of-the-art colon hydrotherapy equipment .
How people in the us see colon hydrotherapy ?
Application of ozone therapy : gynecology , dermatology , bone joints , intramuscular injection , the human self-blood therapy , minimally invasive interventional treatment of human lesions in vitro bagging method , ozone hydrotherapy , ozone therapy and other medical application of the oil .
The nhs should abandon routine pain relief and embrace a new " working with pain " approach which would encourage women to use yoga , hypnosis , massage , support from their partners , hydrotherapy and birthing pools as natural ways of alleviating their pain , he said .