And it can 't have been heredity , because it isn 't happening now .
Furthermore , cross-fostering experiments show that licking behavioris not simply determined by heredity , said meaney .
Perhaps that kind of stability is due to heredity - those happiness-inducing personality traits that identical twins have been shown to share .
Factors such as heredity , access to exercise , parental food habits and cultural differences in portion sizes are all known to contribute to childhood obesity .
They also found that the belief in blind luck-a conviction that coincidence plays a big role in life is something learned in life and has nothing to do with heredity .
We used to think this was the end of the story : first heredity then the brain 's engraving mental maps in childhood after which you 're pretty much stuck with the final blueprint .
In a business context such questions of heredity and environment are the realm of scott shane , a professor of management at case western reserve university in ohio .
Dr. rothman pointed out that it took 20 years for the public to accept the discovery in 1882 that tuberculosis was caused by a bacterium and not by heredity or behavior .
Using recent evidence from behavioural genetics , they say the main traits of entrepreneurs self-confidence , extraversion , high levels of energy and a willingness to embrace risk are all highly influenced by heredity .
The " nature vs. nurture " conundrum was reinvigorated when genes were identified as the units of heredity , containing information that directs and influences development .