
Heathrow 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Heathrow is the hub that makes you blub .
- heathrow是一个让人打嗝的枢纽。
- A plane circling gloomily over heathrow airport ?
- 一架忧郁地盘旋在希思罗机场上空的飞机?
- A further car was destroyed , amongst many others , in a warehouse fire at heathrow airport .
- 还有一辆在希斯罗机场的仓库里,和很多其它汽车一起被烧毁了。
- At heathrow airport , where many foreign students enter britain , the welcome has been less warm .
- 在希斯罗机场,当大批外国留学生进入英国,迎接的人们变得不那么热情了。
- Ba plans to use madrid as a second base to get around capacity limits at heathrow , where plans for a third runway have been blocked .
- 在希斯罗机场建设第三条跑道的计划被阻落空,英航计划利用马德里作为其避免在希斯罗机场遭遇容量限制的第二个基地。
- Any new owner is likely to seek permission to build a second runway there to compete with heathrow for business .
- 任何的一位新东家都希望可以得到许可在那里新建第二条跑道来与希思罗竞争一下。
- At that size , it would surpass both hartsfield-jackson atlanta international airport and london 's heathrow airport to become the busiest aviation hub in the world .
- 这样的规模将使它超过亚特兰大哈兹菲尔德-杰克逊国际机场和伦敦希斯罗机场,成为世界上最繁忙的航空枢纽。
- Baa wants to solve the problem by building a third runway at heathrow .
- baa想通过建设西斯罗第三条飞机跑道解决这个问题。
- Competition between heathrow , gatwick and stansted would help too .
- 希思罗、盖特维克和斯坦斯泰德机场之间的竞争同样有效。
- Baa says heathrow 's status as london 's prime airport relies on flights proceeding to and from the same point .
- 英国机场管理局称西斯罗作为伦敦主要机场的原因在与航班在同一地点起落。