
[hæˈnɒɪ, hə-]


Hanoi 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- He sniffed the jasmine and hot noodle soup on a night street in hanoi .
- 在河内街头的一天晚上闻到了茉莉花和热汤面的味道。
- Perhaps the biggest bombshell was dropped by mrs clinton in hanoi in july .
- 但最令人震惊的事件要算希拉里今年7月在河内发表的言论。
- This was on dramatic display at the asean regional forum in hanoi in july .
- 这从7月河内东盟地区论坛上戏剧性的一幕中可以体现出来。
- Hanoi has already allowed moscow to present it with a token of its affection .
- 河内方面已经允许莫斯科向自己赠送表达友情的“礼物”。
- In august vietnam and america began high-level military co-operation , with a meeting in hanoi .
- 8月,越南和美国开始了高级军事合作,并在河内举行了会议。
- As we now know clinton 's remarks in hanoi in july 2010 marked a watershed in two important aspects .
- 就如我们现在看到的那样,2010年7月克林顿在河内的讲话在两方面成为分水岭。
- There is talk of better support for private enterprise , but hanoi 's policy making is often capricious .
- 有传言称,私营企业将得到更多支持,但河内的政策制定往往反复无常。
- Mr pham will have to be as careful with the family budget as he is in the hanoi traffic .
- 范文荣在斟酌家庭预算时,将不得不像他驱车在河内的车流中穿行时一样小心翼翼。
- Hanoi says it is considering a possible reinstatement of the military draft and carried out live-fire drills in june .
- 河内说,它认为有必要恢复军事预案,并且在六月份进行了实弹演习。
- Then , a catalytic moment seems to have occurred in july 2010 during the asean regional forum in hanoi .
- 接着,在2010年7月,在河内召开的东盟区域论坛上似乎出现了一个触发时刻。