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- Meanwhile , hampden stadium will host two more olympic football games on thursday .
- 与此同时,汉普顿体育场将在周四举办另外两场奥运会足球赛。
- Bbc scotland understands the video package was sent from london and hampden organisers had no input .
- 英国广播公司苏格兰台认为该视频来自伦敦,并非汉普顿组委会所为。
- Conceding the goal after just two minutes against italy made it difficult , but the atmosphere was absolutely amazing at hampden park .
- 但最后2分钟让意大利进球实在回天乏术,但是汉普顿公园的气氛实在太好。
- Olympic officials in london are to blame for a flag row which jeopardised a women 's football game at hampden stadium in glasgow , it has emerged .
- 一国旗险致在格拉斯哥汉普顿体育场举行的女子足球比赛夭折,伦敦奥运官员为此受责,比赛得以恢复。