
[ɡaɪˈænə, -ˈɑnə]


Guyana 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Guyana 's president bharrat jagdeo was the victim of a facebook hoax .
- 圭亚那总统贾格迪奥成为facebook恶作剧的受害者。
- On wednesday jagdeo asked the guyana police to track down the impersonator .
- 周三,贾格迪奥要求圭亚那警方追查该冒名顶替者。
- Chris brown has canceled a stadium concert in guyana after local protests over his 2009 beating of then-girlfriend rihanna .
- 因当地人抗议曾与09年殴打女友蕾哈娜的布朗,克里斯布朗被迫取消了圭亚那(拉丁美洲国家)的体育场演唱会。
- It included two photo albums : one of the berbice bridge in guyana and one of international leaders , some with jagdeo .
- 该页面包括两个相册:一个是圭亚那的berbice大桥,另一个是国际领导人们,其中有些与贾格迪奥合照。
- The ruling people 's progressive party / civic seemed set for a narrow victory in guyana 's presidential election .
- 执政的人民进步党在圭亚那总统选举中微弱优势获胜。
- Earlier in the year , guyana and the eastern caribbean islands were badly affected by drought .
- 今年早年初,严重的旱灾袭击了圭亚那和东加勒比群岛。
- In 2007 guyana appointed bernard kerik , a former new york police chief , as the president 's security adviser .
- 2007年,圭亚那任命前纽约警察局长伯纳德科瑞克担任总统的安全顾问。
- In the tiny south american nation of guyana lives a problematic parasite called wuchereria bancrofti .
- 南美小国圭亚那境内有一种名为班氏线虫的寄生虫。
- Were the deaths , in 1978 , of more than 900 americans in jonestown , guyana , a mass suicide or a massacre ?
- 1978年,在圭亚那的琼斯镇上,那900多名美国人的死是集体自杀还是一场屠杀?
- Actor harrison ford ( right ) is joined by guyana 's president , bharrat jagdeo , at a news conference in new york .
- 演员哈里森福特(harrisonford)和圭亚那总统巴拉特贾格德奥(bharratjagdeo)在纽约出席了一场新闻发布会。