
Graziano 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Graziano he 's a no good criminai , a coward .
- 葛安奴是个罪犯,懦夫。
- Amid worries about a food shortage later this year , mr graziano da silva said the situation was " precarious " , but it was not yet a crisis .
- 在人们担忧今年晚些时候出现食品短缺之际,格拉济阿诺达席尔瓦表示,形势是“危险”的,但还算不上一场危机。
- Lamborghini will use a seven-speed automated manual transmission , developed by oerlikon graziano , in its new aventador sportscar .
- 兰博基尼公司将会使用一种欧瑞康.格拉兹诺发明的七速自动变速器,在他的新的跑车系列中。
- Jose graziano da silva said more of the american corn production could then be used as food or to feed animals .
- 席尔瓦表示,这样更多美国的玉米产量就能用于食品或饲养牲畜。
- Election results came out , graziano made a brief acceptance speech , said he was honored to be selected as the new head of the support expressed sincere gratitude to his country , hope that unsuccessful candidates will actively support him and fao work to fight hunger .
- 选举结果出来后,格拉齐亚诺发表了简短的感言,表示他很荣幸被选作新一任总干事,对支持他的国家表示诚挚感谢,希望各位落选的候选人能积极支持他和粮农组织的抗击饥饿工作。
- Ford was " cautiously optimistic " that first-quarter strength in sales , which comes after a pronounced slump in the fourth quarter last year , was not just an anomaly . But it was " difficult to tell " whether the market had bottomed out , mr graziano said .
- 葛致诺称,福特对第一季度强劲的销售势头表示“谨慎乐观”,由于去年第四季度销量出现暴跌,第一季度销量增长并非反常现象,但“难以判定”市场是否已经见底。
- In the election propaganda graziano said that the future focus of fao director-general including the elimination of hunger , sustainable food production and consumption , to promote more equitable food management to complete the reform process of fao to expand partnerships and south-south cooperation .
- 在竞选宣传中格拉齐亚诺表示,未来粮农组织总干事的工作重点包括消除饥饿、实现可持续的粮食生产与消费、促使粮食管理更公平、完成粮农组织的改革进程、扩大伙伴关系和南南合作。
- Graziano 's book sets out to show that this mixture of apparent economic success and behavioral backwardness had its roots in the distant past .
- graziano在其书中试图表明上述的经济成功和行为落后这一混合体在意大利历史上有着深厚渊源。
- Lamborghini wanted a quicker system for the aventador , so oerlikon graziano and its partner vocis developed an independent shift rail ( isr ) system .
- 兰博基尼希望为艾文塔多提供一个快速系统,所以oerlikongraziano和他的团队开发了一款独立换挡轨道系统。
- Hence the importance of mr graziano , the fao 's new boss .
- 所以,fao新任总干事格拉齐亚诺的重要性不言而喻。