英音  ['grɑ:sɪz]    
美音 ['grɑ:sɪz]    


n.草( grass的名词复数 );草地;告密者;大麻

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Its success was built partly on improving grasses from africa and cattle from india .
Native grasses , a natural habitat for badgers and coyotes , still thicken the sod .
Fire was here long before arriviste plants like grasses ; it pre-dated the first flowers .
It is dotted with sandy deserts , where wild grasses and palm trees grow .
The effects of fertilisation and acidification favour common aggressive species like grasses , brambles and nettles .
Mars would have an environment suitable for life , suitable for plants , trees , grasses insects .
" In the spring , it 's trees ; the summer , grasses ; and fall , weeds . " Being stuck indoors all winter also may cause trouble for those allergic to dust and pet dander , he adds .
Tree roots used to prevent waves from sweeping away the sand that holds the sediment in place , but with the death of many trees and marsh grasses , there 's little habitat left for the nesting birds .
But for ethanol made from trees , grasses and other types of biomass which contain a lot of cellulose , the energy balance can be as high as 16 , at least in theory .
According to its plan , by 2015 , the building , roofs and walls of new structures and some existing structures will be strewn with newly planted grasses , bushes and flowers .