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- Gordon now wants to find out exactly how the ingested microbes influence the entrenched ones .
- 戈登现在希望找出摄入的微生物对固有微生物产生影响的确切方式。
- Gordon brown , the former british prime minister , is above such gossip .
- 前英国首相戈登.布朗是不屑于堕于此流的。
- Twenty-three years after he first championed greed , gordon gekko is back .
- 23年前那个第一次倡导贪婪的戈登盖戈(gordongekko)回来了。
- One of the first analyses of such an effect was jeffrey gordon 's work on bacteria and obesity .
- 杰弗里戈登的关于细菌与肥胖研究成果是最早的关于这种影响的分析之一。
- He knows gordon brown , mr blair 's presumed successor , far less well .
- 他对布莱尔先生的假定接班人戈登.布朗的了解远没有这么好。
- The new prime minister , gordon darcy lilo , is the sixth leader since 2006 .
- 新总理戈登达西利洛是自2006年以来的第六任总理。
- Gordon brown has run out of room ; ireland is having to tighten fiscal policy .
- 戈登.布朗耗尽了政策调控的空间,爱尔兰则在实行紧缩财政政策。
- Much of the furniture was picked out by shearer 's godmother , elizabeth gordon .
- 家里的多数家具由希勒的教母伊丽莎白戈登(elizabethgordon)精心挑选。
- But the fiscal crisis is forcing gordon brown to revive his old image of bean-counting frugality .
- 但是由于政府财政危机,戈登.布朗不得不重新拾起从前锱铢必较的节俭传统了。
- Having shown that gut bacteria are involved in obesity , dr gordon wondered if the converse was true .
- 在证明了肠道细菌与肥胖症有关后,戈登博士好奇它们是否还与营养不良有关。