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- This gives syria bargaining power in its long-standing demand for israel to return the golan heights , which israel occupied in 1967 .
- 这就给叙利亚在其长期要求以色列归还以于1967年占领的戈兰高地的问题上以讨价还价的后盾。
- Like michelzon , golan only spoke out after finishing her service .
- 和michelzon一样,golan结束了服役期之后才把她的经历说出来。
- It meant a concerted international effort to keep a dictatorial regime in power in the name of regional stability - preserving the security of israel and maintaining a cold peace on the golan heights , like the snow that covers mount hermon .
- 政府跟国际社会加强合作并以地区稳定的名义来维持独裁专政统治比如保护以色列安全以及维护golan高地冷和平,彷如覆盖在赫尔蒙山上的皑皑白雪般冰冷的冷和平。
- Yet despite syria 's rhetoric about liberating the golan heights , captured by israel in 1967 , the syrian border has in fact been israel 's quietest for the past 40 years .
- 虽然叙利亚宣称要解放戈兰高地(golanheights),但自从1967年被以色列占领之后,这片叙利亚国土在过去的四十几年已经默默地归了以色列。
- Golan , now 27 , said the " most shaky moment " of her military service came during a search for weapons in a palestinian home . The family were awoken at 2 am by soldiers who " turned their whole house inside out " .
- 现年27岁的golan说自己服役期间“对自己冲击最大的时刻”是有一次在一个巴勒斯坦人的家里查找武器。
- It won control of sinai peninsula and the gaza strip from egypt , the west bank from jordan and the golan heights in fighting with syria .
- 它从埃及那里取得了西奈半岛和加沙地带的控制权,从约旦手中争得了西岸的领土,并且在同叙利亚的战斗中,夺取了葛兰高地。
- Golan depends on negotiations with syria .
- 戈兰高地依赖于与叙利亚进行谈判。
- If they say you can have the entire golan back , we will have a peace treaty .
- 如果你说你可以拥有整个戈兰高地,那么我们拥有的是和平条约。
- They talk about a peace agreement with israel that includes giving up the golan heights .
- 他们商谈一个包括以色列放弃戈兰高地以换取和平的和平协议。
- Hundreds crossed the line near the druze village of majdal shams , on the golan heights , which were annexed by israel after the war of 1967 .
- 数百人成功的穿越了位于戈兰高地的德鲁兹派村庄迈季代勒舍姆斯村附近的防线,1967年战后该村庄被以色列占领。