Geller 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Our first contestant is ross geller .
- 我们的第一个挑战者是罗斯.盖勒.
- In my first week , I remember sitting quietly on a client call led by andy geller , a senior partner .
- 第一周,我记得自己安静的坐在一个由高级合伙人安迪杰勒负责的客户端旁。
- Knock-knock . Who 's there ? Ross geller 's lunch .
- 有人在吗?我是罗斯盖勒的午饭。
- Jackson 's close friend uri geller said it may have been the stress of the london comeback that killed the singer .
- 杰克逊的好友乌里盖勒(urigeller)认为也许是伦敦的重出演唱会的压力杀死了他。
- Ross geller , why do I know that name ? Its uh ? Wait !
- 罗斯盖勒,我怎么知道那名字?等等!
- Professor geller ? Yes , mr. lewis ? How can I help you ?
- 盖勒教授?路易斯?有什么事吗?
- Mr. and mrs. geller , you look wonderful , it is great to have you hear , let us take off your coats !
- 盖勒先生,盖勒太太,你们气色真好.你们能来真是太好了,请脱下外套吧.
- The nelson mandela foundation " opened the conversation " with obama 's office , said geller , and the us president agreed to write a foreword to the book , conversations with myself , which will be published around the world this october .
- 盖勒说,纳尔逊曼德拉基金会与奥巴马的办公室的人员进行了会晤,奥巴马同意为本书作序,这本《conversationswithmyself(对话自我)》将于今年10月在世界各地出版。
- " It feels right , " said geller . " The most significant event of the last few years has been obama becoming president , and he 'll be commenting on the most significant black leader in history . "
- 盖勒表示,“过去数年来最重大的事件就是奥巴马当选总统,由他来对历史上最伟大的黑人领袖发表评论,这很合适。”
- Asked how he expected the week 's bidding to go in germany , geller said : " it 's going to be a book that will take over the frankfurt book fair and become the book of the fair . "
- 当被问及对本周在德国的竞标有何期待,盖勒说:“它会征服法兰克福书展,成为展会之最。”