

Gaelic 变化形式
易混淆的单词: GAELIC


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- How long does it take to learn chinese or japanese vs. spanish or irish gaelic ?
- 需要花多少时间学习中文或日文以及西班牙语或爱尔兰的盖尔语?
- An american has far better access today than ever before to texts in german or polish or gaelic .
- 今天美国人比以往任何时候都能好的多地接触到德语、波兰语、盖尔语。
- Alan whistled three times , and we were met at the door by a tall , good-looking man of about fifty , who welcomed us in gaelic .
- 艾伦吹了三声口哨,一个约莫五十岁、长相很好的高个儿男人在门口迎接我们,他用盖尔语欢迎我们。
- About 40 per cent of residents identify themselves as fluent in gaelic on census forms .
- 大约40%的居民在填写人口普查表时确定他们的盖尔语很流利。
- Not gaelic merely , but free as well .
- 不但是盖尔人的、又是自由的爱尔兰。
- Middle english is the english language from about 1100 to 1500 ; middle gaelic .
- 中古英语是大约1100年到1500年之间的英国语言;中古盖尔语。
- Ef ossian gaelic bold fonts .
- 英法奥西恩盖尔大胆的字体.
- Which was that being irish was gaelic and catholic , that 's gone , really , hasn 't it ?
- 爱尔兰人就是盖尔人加天主教,现在已经不是这样了,真的,难道不是吗?
- Inspired by christ and the warriors of gaelic myth , patrick pearse had come to idealise martyrdom .
- 受到基督以及盖尔人神话中武士故事的启发,帕特里克皮尔斯提出了牺牲殉难谋求分裂的思想。
- The lost fields of de valera 's gaelic idyll were the new currency of wealth and power .
- 德瓦莱拉的盖尔人田园诗般的土地失去了,换来的是新兴的财富和权力。