As for the jargon and the dismal grammar , many readers of this column fondly believe that people who sell things should be able to express themselves clearly and elegantly .
While he found in interviews that many people reminisced fondly about those depression years , we shouldn 't rush to conclude that depressions are happy times .
That was bp 's first loss since 1992 , but the company fondly hopes that it will now have an opportunity to move on .
The energetic , mercurial leader was considered a major figure in 20th century asian politics , and his years in power are remembered fondly by many cambodians , many of whom viewed him as semidivine and credited him with securing cambodia 's freedom from france in the 1950s .
The problem with projects like the world values survey is that , because participants are asked to recall their feelings rather than stating what they are experiencing in the here and now , this might lead them into thinking more fondly in hindsight about their parenting duties than they actually felt at the time .