
v.飘动( flutter的现在分词 );(心)快速跳动;振翼,拍翅膀
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- In fact , millions of butterflies were all around us-vast fluttering waves of them , dipping down into the woods and coming back up around us again .
- 事实上,数以百万计的蝴蝶正簇拥着我们它们挥舞着翅膀,不时飞入树林中,一会儿又飞回我们身边。
- His neck ached horribly ; his brain was on fire ; his heart , which had been fluttering faintly , gave a great leap , trying to force itself out at his mouth .
- 脖子上恐怖的疼痛,脑袋像烈火在燃烧,微微颤动的心脏突然跳动起来,似乎要从口中蹦出体外。
- Hizbullah 's defiant presence on the border , its pale yellow flags fluttering in sight of israeli posts , have undoubtedly rankled with the army and public .
- 真主党的挑衅只存在于边境,他们在以色列哨岗的视野内挥动着黄旗,这无疑使得军队和公众都感到不安。
- She recently suggested , fluttering her hands in the vicinity of her ears , that I get just a very little trim .
- 她最近还建议,我只需要一点小小的改动,边说还边指指她耳朵附近。
- And of course the answer , inevitable and immeasurable as the fluttering silence of our sun , is yes .
- 答案无疑是肯定的,事实无可辩驳,程度难以估量,一如头顶高悬的烈日,悸动不已,却又沉默无言。
- Even the royal standard pennant fluttering from her range rover still bears a heraldic irish harp in one corner .
- 即便是她乘坐的路虎-揽胜前飘扬的皇室旗帜的一角仍然饰有爱尔兰竖琴的纹章。
- Listen to the rhetoric now , and you can almost hear the fluttering of doves .
- 现在,仅听其言,你会以为听到了鸽群的振翅声。
- Are traders just fluttering about over nothing , then ?
- 那么,交易员完全是杞人忧天吗?
- " If you close your eyes tightly you 'll hear a fluttering sound and that 's your middle ear muscles at work , " says bell .
- 贝尔说:“紧闭双眼的时候,你会听到颤动的声音,这说明你的中耳肌肉已经开始“工作”了。”