
[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 费尼莫尔 Finnemore的变体
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- James fenimore cooper , francis parkman , and hollywood were noble in their attempts to possibly explain the massacre of fort william henry by demonstrating the inferiority and savagery of the indians .
- 詹姆斯尔库珀,弗朗西斯帕克曼,好莱坞在他们试图通过展示可能解释自卑和印第安人的野蛮屠杀威廉亨利堡高贵。
- Washington irving was-closely followed by james fenimore cooper-the first man of letters from the united states to win an international reputation .
- 华盛顿欧文和詹姆斯费尼莫库珀是美国最早享有国际声誉的作家。
- " The danger now became too pressing to admit of longer delay " ( james fenimore cooper ) .
- “危险是如此的迫在眉睫以至于不容许任何耽搁”(詹姆士费尼莫尔库柏)。
- Muskrat castle as the house has been facetiously named by some waggish officer - james fenimore cooper .
- ‘麝鼠城堡’这个名字是一些爱开玩笑的官员给这座房子取的滑稽名字詹姆士菲里莫尔库珀。
- If james fenimore cooper were here today , he would surely have to change his tune .
- 如果今天柯柏还在世的话,他就得改变他的论调了。
- Through the novels of james fenimore cooper , chronicler of the american frontier , european russians knew more about american expansion than about their own far east .
- 通过美国西部编年史作家詹姆斯费尼莫尔库珀的小说,欧洲的俄国人对于美国西部的了解要比他们对自己远东地区的了解都多。