
Emma 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- But emma continues to suffer from the condition triggered by that stressful time .
- 不过,艾玛则得继续承受那段压力重重的日子带来的后遗症。
- It can also remove pigment from hair , another problem which has affected emma .
- 头发的色素也可能消褪,这是另一个困扰着艾玛的问题。
- Spokesmen for johnny and emma did not return calls or comment last night .
- 昨夜,约翰尼和艾玛的代言人没有接电话,也没有做出任何解释。
- Emma hitt is a freelance medical and science writer living in marietta , georgia .
- 艾玛希特,自由职业者,医疗和科学作家,生活于格鲁吉亚的玛丽埃塔。
- Emma had developed vitiligo , an incurable long-term disease that causes a disfiguring loss of skin colour .
- 艾玛患上了白癜风,一种无法治愈的长期疾病,这种病会导致肤色损坏。
- As for emma , although she lost most of her family , her story had a happy ending .
- 对艾玛来说,虽然她几乎失去了所有家人,但她的故事有个幸福的结尾。
- Mila kunis placed second on the list , followed by kate upton , pop star rihanna and emma stone .
- 米拉库妮丝排名第二,其后是凯特阿普顿、流行歌星蕾哈娜和艾玛斯通。
- Emma rothschild is an historian of the mind , of characteristic ways of thinking and feeling .
- 艾玛.罗斯查尔德是一位历史学家,研究人的思想,还有思考和感情的特有方式。
- Two 18-year-old friends , megan budde and emma gines , also stopped to pay their respects .
- 18岁的梅根.布蒂和艾玛.吉因斯也来悼念休斯顿。
- Flaubert 's finely crafted novel tells the story of emma , a bored provincial wife who comforts herself with shopping and affairs .
- 福楼拜精心打造的小说讲述了艾玛,这个总感到生活无趣的法国外省的妻子如何用购物和外遇安慰自己的故事。