


Delhi 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Delhi is the best candidate .
- 德里无疑是我们的最佳选择。
- Already many feel the city is falling behind delhi and bangalore .
- 很多人觉得该市已然落后于德里和班加罗尔了。
- A tempting cabinet post in delhi would sweeten the deal .
- 在德里的一席诱人的内阁职位可以为此锦上添花。
- It has fast-growing low-cost airlines and plans to make delhi a regional hub .
- 它的低成本航空公司发展迅速并计划在德里建成地区中心。
- New delhi is less enthusiastic .
- 印度方面则没有那么热情。
- It is their shared concern that is drawing delhi and tokyo closer .
- 正是这个共同的考虑才促使新德里和东京的合作。
- Lack of co-ordination between new delhi and provincial governments adds to the drag .
- 印度中央政府和各省级政府之间缺乏协调也拖累了执行的进度。
- Big firms can generally put up with the hassle involved in transferring a worker from delhi .
- 大公司一般都能忍受比如从印度德里引进一名工人这种麻烦。
- New delhi 's influence over the landlocked mountain state was far-reaching .
- 印度政府对这个被陆地包围的山国的影响力曾经是深远的。
- Sonia gandhi has invited me to her home in delhi twice .
- 索尼娅甘地(soniagandhi)两度邀请我到她家做客。